
Author: Dr Max Barrett | ISBN: 978-1-905536-17-7 | Format: Hard Back | Price: €120 | Publication Date: July 2008


Financial Services Advertising: Law and Regulation is the first book to consider exclusively  the legal, regulatory and the principal self-regulatory measures applicable to the publication of advertisements for financial products and services in Ireland, identifying what may, must, may not and cannot appear in such advertisements.

There has been an abundance of law and regulation on financial advertising in Ireland through a series of measures, laws and regulations, namely the Consumer Credit Act, 1995, the Consumer Protection Act 2007, the European Communities (Misleading and Comparative Marketing) Communications Regulations 2007,the Consumer Protection Code and other public and industry codes. Such regulation can in turn lead to differing definitions as to what constitutes “an advertisement”.

Divided into four distinct parts, this book seeks to track and comment on these regulations and guide the reader through the intricacies of financial advertising. The book also contains unique and practical “Compliance Check Lists” that reduce  the entirety of the above codes with a view to offering the reader the answer on whether they are compliant or not.

About the Author

Dr Max Barrett is Head of Legal, National Irish Bank.

Contents include

Parts I  and II of the book consider the relevant provisions of: the Consumer Credit Act, 1995; the Consumer Protection Act 2007; the European Communities (Misleading and Comparative Marketing) Communications Regulations 2007; the Consumer Protection Code; Ireland’s broadcasting legislation; the General Advertising Code and Children’s Advertising Code of the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland; and the Code of Standards published by the Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland;

Part III of the book contains: the consolidated text of those provisions of the Consumer Credit Act considered in Part I; the text of the two (not readily available) directions made under section 135 of that Act; certain relevant provisions of the Consumer Protection Act 2007; the complete text of the European Communities (Misleading and Comparative Marketing) Communications Regulations 2007; the Consumer Protection Code (as supplemented by the Consumer Protection Code Clarifications and certain letters issued to the financial sector by the Financial Regulator); and relevant extracts from the BCI General Advertising Code and Children’s Advertising Code, and the Code of Standards of the Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland; and

Part IV of the book reduces the entirety of the Consumer Protection Code and the financial advertisement-related provisions of the Advertising Standard’s Authority’s Code of Standards and the BCI General Advertising and Children’s Advertising Codes to a series of comprehensive questions (i.e. check-lists) which, if answered in the affirmative, suggest compliance with the relevant code.