The liquor licensing code is brought to the licensee in a comprehensive and easy to use guide.
The Licensed Trade: A User’s Handbook
Author: Constance Cassidy SC and Michael McGrath: | ISBN: 978-1-905536-18-4 | Format: Paper Back| Price: €23| Publication Date: 31st August 2008
For the first time ever, the liquor licensing code is brought to the licensee in a comprehensive and easy to use guide. The Licensed Trade: A User’s Handbook is designed for those who work in the industry, including, publicans, hoteliers, theatre licensees, nightclub owners and those who operate off licence premises, supermarkets and convenience stores.
The Licensed Trade: A User’s Handbook explains the implications of the Intoxicating Liquor Act 2008.
The essentials of managing a licensed premise are outlined, including:
- Trading hours and late night trading
- Control of premises
- Occupiers liability
- Under-age persons
- The smoking ban
- Employees rights
- The right to refuse
This book details the different types of licence and their renewal, transfer and sale. General offences and temporary closure orders are also reviewed.
This easy to use handbook is designed as a quick and useful reference for everyone working in the licensed trade.
About the Authors
Constance Cassidy is the leading legal expert on licensing law in Ireland and author of several books on the same subject.
Michael McGrath is a Barrsiter at Law and author of Liquor Licensing Law.
Contents Include
Management of a Licensed Premises
1. General Trading Hours
2. Late Night Trading/Night Clubs
3. The Smoking Ban
4. Controlling Your Premises
5. Under-age
6. Employees
7. Occupiers Liability
8. Right To Refuse: Equality Legislation
9. Pub Licences: New and Lapsed Licences and Extensions
10. Off-Licences
11. Hotels
12. Restaurants
13. Renewal and Transfers
14. Selling a Licence
15. Endorsement
16. Temporary Closure Order
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