The European Union and its Constitution: From Rome to Lisbon

The European Union and its Constitution: From Rome to Lisbon

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Required reading for every participant in the debate on the Lisbon Treaty. You can purchase a digital copy of this book from Kortext: For more details click here.


Author: Laurent Pech | ISBN: 978-1-905536-13-9 | Format: Paper Back
Price: €45 | Publication Date: March 2008

You can purchase a digital copy of this book from Kortext: For more details click here.


“This book should be required reading for every participant in the debate on the Lisbon Treaty” (Alan Dukes)

The European Union and its Constitution explores the political and legal status of the EU and addresses a number of assumptions. The author argues that the EU is not and will not become a state and that the treatment of the EU as a democratically deficient entity is misguided. He also contends that the EU constitutional framework is neither neo-liberal nor socialist, but offers a balanced framework which does not pre-empt the political direction of EU legislative intervention.

The European Union and its Constitution provides the first comprehensive analysis of the 2007 Lisbon Treaty with a view to addressing all the major concerns surrounding this new Treaty. It offers a personal and critical interpretation of the EU’s complex constitution and clarifies the terms of the debate, while highlighting the inconsistencies of Eurocritics. This book will appeal to anyone interested in the subjects of European law and politics.

About the Author

Laurent Pech is Jean Monnet Lecturer in EU Public Law at the National University of Ireland, Galway. He was educated at the Faculty of Law of Aix-en-Provence (France), and also studied at the University of Limerick, the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Quebec in Montreal. Before joining the Faculty of Law in Galway in 2004, he taught Constitutional Law and EU Law in Aix-en-Provence.

Contents include

Introduction: United Ever More Closely?
Part One – A Misguided Analogy: The European Union as a “Superstate”

1. The Non-State Nature of the European Union
2. Fitting the European Union into Procruste’s Bed: The Federal Question

Part Two – Let it Be: The European Union’s Democratic Deficit

3. Viewing Democracy through Rose-Tinted Glasses
4. Refining Democracy for a Non-State and a Non-Nation Polity

Part Three – The European Union: Neither Neo-liberal Nor Socialist

5. The Alleged Neo-liberal Bias
6. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a Socialist Trojan Horse

Conclusion: Europe at Fifty: An Occasion for Dancing in the Streets?


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