A clear and authoritative guide to the German legal system and its special language now in its 7th edition. Volume 2 includes materials that are ancillary to volume 1.
The German Legal System and Legal Language, Volume 2, Seventh Edition
Author: Howard D. Fisher | Format: Paperback (234 x 156) | ISBN: 978-1-911611-55-4 | Price: €45 | Approx 300 pages | Published 14 May 2021 [Click here for Volume 1]
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International personal and business contacts have become widespread, although it is a fact that legal affairs beyond borders remain stubbornly embedded in their national frameworks. Nevertheless, exposure to a foreign legal system can occur for a myriad of reasons; one cannot keep one´s head in the sand. Moreover, successful strategic decisions often require, or are accompanied by, detailed legal advice and research.
With particular reference to Germany, this book seeks to help bridge the gap. It endeavours to explain in the English language the structure and concepts of some of the main areas of German public and private law i.e. to elucidate the “stuff” of German law. The book outlines the German federal system, drawing attention to many of the innumerable norms and fundamental principles contained in the common German codes. Supplementing the text are extensive notes and a select German/English legal vocabulary which, together, provide readers with the necessary tools in order to obtain a reliable overview of the rules, methods and terminology of German law.
The 7th edition of the German Legal System and Legal Language has undergone substantial revision throughout and there has been much amendment and reorganization since publication of the last edition in 2015. Volume 1 contains the substantive chapters [click here for further information] and volume 2 includes materials that are ancillary to volume 1.
Contents Volume 2 include
- Vocabulary
- Abbreviations
- Cases
About the Author
Howard D. Fisher graduated with an LL.B. (Honours) from University College London in 1975 and qualified as a Solicitor of England and Wales in 1978. He was educated at the City of London School, where he was awarded the John Goodwin Prize for Modern Languages and the War Memorial Scholarship in 1972. In 1992, he obtained the right to admission as a German `Rechtsanwalt´ and, apart from a brief period of sole practice in Frankfurt am Main, has worked as a freelance legal translator both in that city and in Berlin for nearly 30 years. Howard is an accredited interpreter and translator for the courts and notaries of Berlin and a member of the Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ), Berlin-Brandenburg Branch.
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