A leading journal on tort and litigation matters.
Tort Law and Litigation Review
Editors: Professor William Binchy, BL; Dr Val Corbett; Dr Ciaran Craven, BL | ISSN: 2565-5817 | Format: Journal Bi-Annual | Subscription: €160 per annum + 9% VAT
The Tort and Litigation Review is a new journal specifically designed for solicitors and barristers practising in personal injury litigation as well as providing an effective research tool for academics and students working within the field of tort law. The purpose of the Review is to keep its audience abreast of recent developments in tort theory and practice, nationally and internationally.
The Review is committed to the publication of high quality work with an emphasis on judicial and legislative developments within the field of tort law. The Review publishes two issues per year (February/March and September/October). Each issue will include a number of articles authored by academics and/or practitioners providing discussion of the current state of tort law and practice. Each issue will also contain case notes of recent superior court judgments of particular significance.
[Current Issue] Volume 2, Issue 1 of the Tort Law and Litigation Review features:
- Does the ‘Cap’ Fit? A Review of Developments in the Law on General Damages | Val Corbett
- Contributory Negligence and Identification: Section 35 of the Civil Liability Act 1961 Awakens | Deirdre Ní Fhloinn
- Developments in Irish Defamation Law — 2019 | Neville Cox
- Recent Supreme Court Decisions on the Statute of Limitations and the Date of Knowledge: O’Sullivan v Ireland and Green v Hardiman | Ellen Gleeson
- Case Notes
- B O’K v Minister for Health and Children [2019] IEHC 457 85
Hegarty (A Minor) v The Health Service Executive [2019] IEHC 788 91
- B O’K v Minister for Health and Children [2019] IEHC 457 85
- Book Review
- Scholars of Tort Law
Volume 1, Issue 2 of the Tort Law and Litigation Review features:
- Tort Law: Options for the Future
- Bullying and Harassment Litigation Post-Ruffley: An Analysis of the Judgment of the Court of Appeal in McCarthy v ISS Ireland Ltd
- Statutory Reform, Judicial Interpretation and Libel Tourism – A Ticket from London to Dublin?
- Case Notes
- Child and Family Agency v AA (A minor represented by order of his solicitor and next friend Gina Cleary) [2018] IEHC 112; [2018] 2 ILRM 277 47
- McCarthy v James Kavanagh (t/a Tekken Security) & Another [2018] IEHC 101
- Rosbeg Partners v LK Shields Solicitors [2018] IESC 23
- Book Reviews
- The Duty of Care in Negligence
- Charlesworth & Percy on Negligence (14th Ed)
Volume 1, Issue 1 of the Tort Law and Litigation Review features:
- Recent Developments in Damages Awards: The Discount Rate and Periodic Payments by Dr Val Corbett
- Occupiers’ Liability: Recent Judicial Developments by Professor William Binchy
- Recent Developments in Irish Defamation Law by Professor Neville Cox
- Case Notes:
- Walsh v Jones Lang LaSalle Ltd [2017] IESC 38
- Persona Digital Telephony Limited & Sigma Wireless Networks Limited and The Minister for Public Enterprise, Ireland and the Attorney General, and, by order, Denis O’Brien and Michael Lowry [2017] IESC 27
Submission Guidelines
The Review publishes twice a year. The normal deadline for submission is 31 September and 31 March.
Material intended for publication or any queries on submission should be sent as an attachment to Dr Val Corbett at val.corbett@lawschool.ie.
All submissions should be sent to the above address in Microsoft Word format.
The preferred word count is as follows:
- Articles between 6000 and 12,000 words
- Short articles between 3000 and 6000 words
- Case notes between 500 and 3000 words
- Book Reviews not to exceed 3500 words
Please consult with the editors to discuss submissions outside these parameters.
All submissions are referred to the editorial board for consideration as to whether they should or should not be published. A decision as to whether material shall or shall not be published will normally be made and communicated to the author within one month of receipt.
All submissions, once accepted, should conform to the OSCOLA style. Further details can be found at must conform to legalcitation.ie
Note: twelve months after the publication of the Review, all content will be made available on the online database HeinOnline (heinonline.org/)
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