Probation and Parole in Ireland: Law and Practice

Probation and Parole in Ireland: Law and Practice


The first book to comprehensively describe and explain the underpinnings and workings of two key parts of the penal system—probation and parole


Authors:  Vivian Geiran and Shane McCarthy | ISBN: 9781911611608 |  Format: Paperback | Extent: Approx 380 pages |  Price: €45 | Published: 11 April 2022

Law Book of the Year 2022


Probation and parole are two vital components of any criminal justice system. Practitioners working in both are responsible for the assessment and supervision of those members of society who have committed criminal offences and are subject to court-ordered penal sanction. Those working in probation and parole must bring a range of knowledge and skills to bear in their daily work: championing community safety and justice, promoting offender reintegration, and seeking to reduce offending and the harm it causes. All of that practice is in turn underpinned by law. Professional practice in probation and parole is also increasingly informed by research findings regarding ‘what works’ and indeed ‘who works.’

Probation and Parole in Ireland: Law and Practice is the first book to comprehensively describe and explain the underpinnings and workings of two key parts of the penal system—probation and parole. Drawing on the authors’ extensive experience of working in the criminal justice and penal systems, this book presents a clear description and analysis of the stages and components of probation and parole work.

This book summarises the relevant legislation and international standards, points to key case law and explores the development of research and practice in the area of probation and parole in Ireland, and related issues.

Contents Include

  • Introduction
  • History of Probation and Parole in Ireland
  • Offender Assessment
  • Probation Work
  • Community Service
  • Restorative Justice and Victims
  • Parole
  • Conditional Release and Other Post-Release Supervision
  • Children and Young People
  • Electronic Monitoring
  • Other Issues and Challenges

Who Should Buy This Book?

Probation and Parole in Ireland: Law and Practice is a key resource and required reading for all practitioners and students of probation, parole, criminology, law, social work, forensic psychology and penal policy.

About the Authors

Vivian Geiran

Vivian is an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work & Social Policy at Trinity College, Dublin and a current member, as well as a past-President (2015-2017) of the Council of Europe’s Council for Penological Co-operation (PC-CP). He was Director of the Irish Probation Service and member of the Parole Board for seven years to the end of 2019. Vivian is one of three Irish representatives on the International Penal and Penitentiary Foundation (IPPF), a member of the Sentencing Guidelines and Information Committee of the Irish Judicial Council, Chair of the Irish Association of Social Workers and a Board member of the Ana Liffey Drug Project. He is also a member of the European Society of Criminology and of the International Corrections and Prisons Association. Vivian is a registered social worker, with masters degrees in social work (UCD) and social studies (TCD), as well as a diploma in leadership and management (ILM). He was a co-founder and editor of the Irish Probation Journal, has been published in a range of journal articles and book chapters, and has undertaken independent criminal justice research and consultancy work in Ireland and internationally. (Twitter: @VGeiran)

Dr Shane McCarthy

Shane is a Consultant Solicitor at Fitzgerald Legal & Advisory LLP, Cork. He has an MA in Criminology and been awarded a PhD in Law, for his research on the manner in which the Irish Parole Board balances the issues of Justice and Risk in their decision-making processes. Shane has served as a member of the Interim Parole Board for the past eleven years. Shane also serves on both the Criminal Law Committee and the Human Rights & Equality Committee of the Law Society of Ireland and has written numerous academic articles and presented at numerous conferences on the subjects of parole and criminal justice in Ireland.



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